1. Scholars at WHS read more minutes, as documented in SORA, that any 7-12 building in all of southeast Utah (including SJSD, Grand, and Emery) so we earned the Southeast Service Center (SESC) trophy and many upcoming positive promotions about reading!
2. WHS Raider Football won the drum back versus Monument Valley!
Upcoming Events
The most updated event information is found here. Check out the September Event Highlights:
* Wednesday, September 13: Open House with College and Career Readiness Day
** School day runs from 8:20 am-noon with buses departing campus at noon.
** Families visit Advisor, table presenters, and teachers from 1-5 pm in the Gym.
** Guest presentation at 5 pm in the Auditorium with dinner.
** Movie and discussion in the Auditorium at 6 pm.
* MIDTERM: September 15
* September 21: Picture Day (packets for ordering pictures from LifeTouch are coming home with scholars on September 11)
* September 25-29: Homecoming Week
**Other exciting events are currently being planned by the Student Council and will be announced in early September. Watch our website LiveFeed, San Juan Apptegy, Facebook, and Instagram.
**September 29: Homecoming Parade will be at 10 am
Academic Focus
Each teacher is working to clearly communicate the learning intention, language expectation, WHY, and success criteria for each lesson. This is so scholars know exactly what they are learning and how their learning will be evaluated. Grades are a reflection of their learning.